Ghost Story

These photographs are about life after the end of a world, but before the start of a new one; on the importance of falling apart, starting over; from the outside looking in; taking your time.  I started working on this series in 2013, the same year that the city of Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history.  I’ve always lived around here, never exactly here.  People used to move from the city to the suburbs, or from the suburbs to different, better suburbs, or from the suburbs back to the city.  Now they just move to Texas.  There’s a ghost that isn’t coming back, but it won’t leave us alone either.  Seances can be frustrating, but the medium promised a twist ending.  Things have changed a lot lately: there are farms in the city, the animals are holding suspiciously still, and there’s a hubcap stuck in the tree where my kite should be.  I know I’ve said it before, but on the upside, I think we could be moving on soon.  This story isn’t even mine to tell. 


Singapore Vanishing Party